Manfaatkanlah waktu istirahat secara maksimal, jangan membiasakan membawa pekerjaan ke tempat tidur. Atau mempersiapkan diri membuat makalah ketika liburan. Kemampuan memanfaatkan waktu istirahat secara maksimal akan meningkatkan semangat kerja.
Dalam menyusun program kerjapun, waktu istirahat harus direncanakan secara tepat. Jangan sampai istirahat sambil bekerja dan bekerja sambil beristirahat, karena hal itu akan mengurangi semangat dan kualitas kerja dan merusak suasana liburan.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Menjalin Hubungan
Hubungan baik haruslah tetap dijaga dengan seksama, Ciptakanlah berbagai alasan hanya sekedar agar anda dapat menegur tetangga anda. Bekerja di suatu tempat walaupun dengan gaji kecil, asalakan tidak menguras tenaga secara berlebihan ada baiknya tetap anda jalankan, setidaknya ia menjadi alasan anda untuk bersosialisasi.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Memelihara emosi

Emosi memang bukan bagian fisik dari tubuh kita. Namun kondisi emosi dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisik secara menyeluruh. Emosi yang tidak stabil dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati, gagal jantung, hingga kematian.
Merasa senang dapat memperlancar peredaran darah, mempertahankan elastisitas kulit atau lebih dikenal dengan awet muda.
Sangat tepat jika Rosulullah Saw sangat menganjurkan untuk murah senyum, karena ia dapat memotivasi hati untuk terus merasa senang.
Cara yang tepat untuk manajemen emosi ialah dengan cara mengekspresikannya melalui kegiatan fisik, tentu saja dengan pemilahan perbuatan fisik yang tidak merugikan. Jika kita sedang marah sehingga aliran darah terasa panas dan otot mengejang diikuti rasa ingin menendang dan memukul. Cobalah pergi ke suatu tempat dan lampiaskan, baik melalui olah raga seperti memukul bola, dll.
Bahkan saking kesalnya, hingga terasa ingin berteriak, cobalah menyelam ke dalam air dan berteriak sepuas mungkin. emosi yang terekspresi akan membuat hati lega. tetapi jangan ambil tindakan atau keputusan dalam keadaan emosi tersebut yang kita belum tahu pasti untung dan ruginya. Berteriak di dalam air, sepertinya tidak ada ruginya. Tapi membentak pembantu kita yang bekerja tidak becus menurut kita, siapa tahu nanti menimbulkan penyesalan.
Monday, August 25, 2008
To be me
follow the example of others sometime difficult conducted. We wish success like a entrepreneur recognized, sometime we want to draw like a artist. But when follow the example of their gesture and habit, in the reality not make us excitement like they.
Thus correct conducted [is] become ownself, and study what our insuffiency and what our excess, last develop that.
That can be example from others is only motivation that they have, last our start enquire where our motivation to become ownself.
Follow the example of others it is true difficult, but will more difficult to become ownself
Thus correct conducted [is] become ownself, and study what our insuffiency and what our excess, last develop that.
That can be example from others is only motivation that they have, last our start enquire where our motivation to become ownself.
Follow the example of others it is true difficult, but will more difficult to become ownself
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Perhatikan Secara Detail
Jika suatu saat kita kehilangan nafsu makan, cara mudah untuk membangkitkannya kembali ialah mencoba memahami apa yang kita makan. Jika kita makan nasi cobalah gigit sebiji dan resapi rasanya. Lalu tingkatkan menjandi lima biji nasi kunyah dengan seksama hingga mendapatkan rasa manis, Kemudian dilanjutkan meresapi setiap rasa dari lauk yang terhidang, rasakan aromanya dan bayangkan secara rinci bumbu apa saja yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Jika kita melakukan hal tersebut diatas dengan sabar dan tenang, kita akan mendapatkan kembali selera makan kita. Hal serupa juga bisa kita lakukan pada pekerjaan yang kita lakukan.
Cobalah resapi setiap pekerjaan kita tahapan demi tahapan. Jika kita sedang menulis sesuatu cobalah perhatikan setiap goresan tinta, lekukan huruf demi lekukan, dan berusaha mendengar setiap gesekan antara ujung pena dengan kertasnya.
Setelah kita mendapatkan kembalo mood untuk bekerja, sekarang kita siap untuk bekerja dengan lebih teliti dan lebih semangat.
Jika kita melakukan hal tersebut diatas dengan sabar dan tenang, kita akan mendapatkan kembali selera makan kita. Hal serupa juga bisa kita lakukan pada pekerjaan yang kita lakukan.
Cobalah resapi setiap pekerjaan kita tahapan demi tahapan. Jika kita sedang menulis sesuatu cobalah perhatikan setiap goresan tinta, lekukan huruf demi lekukan, dan berusaha mendengar setiap gesekan antara ujung pena dengan kertasnya.
Setelah kita mendapatkan kembalo mood untuk bekerja, sekarang kita siap untuk bekerja dengan lebih teliti dan lebih semangat.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Name
Nama mungkin hal yang sederhana, tetapi dalam komunikasi sosial, kemampuang mengingat nama ternyata merupakan sesuatu yang besar. Seseorang akan merasa bangga jika namanya diingat oleh rekannya, atasannya. Bahkan sebaliknya seorang atasan sering tersinggung jika anak buahnya lupa dengan namanya.
Contoh sederhana, ketika seorang siswa melapor ke kantor setelah bel pergantian pelajaran dengan maksud untuk menemui guru mata pelajaran selanjutnya.
Siswa langsung menghadap salah seorang guru dan berkata" Pak sekarang kami pelajaran Agama?"
"Siapa Gurunya...?"
"Bapak yang tinggi...!"
Siswa yang lupa atau memang tidak tahu siapa nama guru mata pelajaran tersebut, telah menyebabkan guru yang bersangkutan sedikit kecewa. Apalagi jika guru tempat siswa bertanya tersebut ternyata ialah guru agama yang dimaksud.
Biasakanlah menghafal nama seseorang, karena ia merupakan penghargaan yang tertinggi. Kalau dibandingkan mana yang lebih baik antara nama kita diingat orang lain atau mendapat hadiah dari orang lain, Tentu lebih baik nama kita diingat.
Sebuah hadiah akan kurang terasa bermakna, jika yang memberikan hadiah kepada kita justeru lupa nama kita.
Contoh sederhana, ketika seorang siswa melapor ke kantor setelah bel pergantian pelajaran dengan maksud untuk menemui guru mata pelajaran selanjutnya.
Siswa langsung menghadap salah seorang guru dan berkata" Pak sekarang kami pelajaran Agama?"
"Siapa Gurunya...?"
"Bapak yang tinggi...!"
Siswa yang lupa atau memang tidak tahu siapa nama guru mata pelajaran tersebut, telah menyebabkan guru yang bersangkutan sedikit kecewa. Apalagi jika guru tempat siswa bertanya tersebut ternyata ialah guru agama yang dimaksud.
Biasakanlah menghafal nama seseorang, karena ia merupakan penghargaan yang tertinggi. Kalau dibandingkan mana yang lebih baik antara nama kita diingat orang lain atau mendapat hadiah dari orang lain, Tentu lebih baik nama kita diingat.
Sebuah hadiah akan kurang terasa bermakna, jika yang memberikan hadiah kepada kita justeru lupa nama kita.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fokus Pada Rencana
Sekecil apapun kegiatan yang kita miliki, buatlah rencana sedetail mungkin. Dan berlakulah objektif pada saat penyusunan rencana tersebut dengan memperkirakan berbagai faktor penghambat dan pendukung.
Bukan tidak mungkin suatu saat nanti apa yang kita lakukan melenceng dari rencana semula, tapi janganlah berputus asa. Tetap fokus dan tetap berusaha kembali kepada rencana semula.
Sebuah kegiatan yang memiliki rencana matang akan lebih mendekati kesuksesan bila dibandingkan tanpa rencana. Rencana juga dapat memberikan motivasi untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Memiliki rencana ibarat memiliki cita-cita. Usahakan untuk memiliki rencana harian, bulanan bahkan rencana tahunan. Baik untuk pengembangan diri pribadi, pembinaan keluarga hingga peningkatan karir. Motivasi yang muncul dari penyusunan rencana tersebut sungguh luar biasa.
Bukan tidak mungkin suatu saat nanti apa yang kita lakukan melenceng dari rencana semula, tapi janganlah berputus asa. Tetap fokus dan tetap berusaha kembali kepada rencana semula.
Sebuah kegiatan yang memiliki rencana matang akan lebih mendekati kesuksesan bila dibandingkan tanpa rencana. Rencana juga dapat memberikan motivasi untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Memiliki rencana ibarat memiliki cita-cita. Usahakan untuk memiliki rencana harian, bulanan bahkan rencana tahunan. Baik untuk pengembangan diri pribadi, pembinaan keluarga hingga peningkatan karir. Motivasi yang muncul dari penyusunan rencana tersebut sungguh luar biasa.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Motivation is the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in psychology and neuropsychology. These reasons may include basic needs such as food or a desired object, hobbies, goal, state of being, or ideal. The motivation for a behavior may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. According to Geen,[1] motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior.
Motivational Theories
Drive Reduction Theories
There are a number of drive theories. The Drive Reduction Theory grows out of the concept that we have certain biological needs, such as hunger. As time passes the strength of the drive increases as it is not satisfied. Then as we satisfy that drive by fulfilling its desire, such as eating, the drive's strength is reduced. It is based on the theories of Freud and the idea of feedback control systems, such as a thermostat.
There are several problems, however, that leave the validity of the Drive Reduction Theory open for debate. The first problem is that it does not explain how Secondary Reinforcers reduce drive. For example, money does not satisfy any biological or psychological need but reduces drive on a regular basis through a pay check second-order conditioning. Secondly, if the drive reduction theory held true we would not be able to explain how a hungry human being can prepare a meal without eating the food before they finished cooking it.
However, when comparing this to a real life situation such as preparing food, one does get hungrier as the food is being made (drive increases), and after the food has been consumed the drive decreases. The only reason the food does not get eaten before is the human element of restraint and has nothing to do with drive theory. Also, the food will either be nicer after it is cooked, or it won't be edible at all before it is cooked.
Cognitive dissonance theory
Main article: Cognitive dissonance
Suggested by Leon Festinger, this occurs when an individual experiences some degree of discomfort resulting from an incompatibility between two cognitions. For example, a consumer may seek to reassure himself regarding a purchase, feeling, in retrospect, that another decision may have been preferable.
Another example of cognitive dissonance is when a belief and a behavior are in conflict. A person may believe smoking is bad for one's health and yet continues to smoke.
Affective-Arousal Theories
Need Achievement Theory
Main article: David McClelland
David McClelland’s achievement motivation theory envisions that a person has a need for three things, but differs in degrees to which the various needs influence their behavior: Need for achievement, Need for power, and Need for affiliation.
Interests Theory
Main article: Holland Codes
Holland Codes are used in the assessment of interests as in Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI; Holland, 1985). One way to look at interests is that if a person has a strong interest in one of the 6 Holland areas, then obtaining outcomes in that area will be strongly reinforcing relative to obtaining outcomes in areas of weak interest.
Need Theories
Need Hierarchy Theory
Main article: Hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs theory is the most widely discussed theory of motivation.
The theory can be summarized as thus:
* Human beings have wants and desires which influence their behavior; only unsatisfied needs can influence behavior, satisfied needs cannot.
* Since needs are many, they are arranged in order of importance, from the basic to the complex.
* The person advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level need is at least minimally satisfied.
* The further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality, humanness and psychological health a person will show.
The needs, listed from basic (lowest, earliest) to most complex (highest, latest) are as follows:
* Physiological
* Safety and security
* Social
* Esteem
* Self actualization
Herzberg’s two-factor theory
Main article: Frederick Herzberg
Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, aka intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, lead to dissatisfaction.
He distinguished between:
* Motivators; (e.g. challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which give positive satisfaction, and
* Hygiene factors; (e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation.
The name Hygiene factors is used because, like hygiene, the presence will not make you healthier, but absence can cause health deterioration.
The theory is sometimes called the "Motivator-Hygiene Theory."
Alderfer’s ERG theory
Main article: Clayton Alderfer
Clayton Alderfer, expanding on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, created the ERG theory (existence, relatedness and growth). Physiological and safety, the lower order needs, are placed in the existence category, while love and self esteem needs are placed in the relatedness category. The growth category contains our self-actualization and self-esteem needs.
Self-determination theory
Self-determination theory, developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, focuses on the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving human behavior. Like Maslow's hierarchical theory and others that built on it, SDT posits a natural tendency toward growth and development. Unlike these other theories, however, SDT does not include any sort of "autopilot" for achievement, but instead requires active encouragement from the environment. The primary factors that encourage motivation and development are autonomy, competence feedback, and relatedness.[2]
Broad Theories
The latest approach in Achievement Motivation is an integrative perspective as lined out in the "Onion-Ring-Model of Achievement Motivation" by Heinz Schuler, George C. Thornton III, Andreas Frintrup and Rose Mueller-Hanson. It is based on the premise that performance motivation results from way broad components of personality are directed towards performance. As a result it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. Especially it integrates formerly separated approaches as Need for Achievement with e.g. social motives like Dominance. The Achievement Motivation Inventory AMI (Schuler, Thornton, Frintrup & Mueller-Hanson, 2003) is based on this theory and assesses three factors (17 separated scales) relevant to vocational and professional success.
Cognitive theories
Goal-setting theory
Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined end state. Often, this end state is a reward in itself. A goal's efficiency is affected by three features; proximity, difficulty and specificity. An ideal goal should present a situation where the time between the initiation of behavior and the end state is close. This explains why some children are more motivated to learn how to ride a bike than mastering algebra. A goal should be moderate, not too hard or too easy to complete. In both cases, most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge (which assumes some kind of insecurity of success). At the same time people want to feel that there is a substantial probability that they will succeed. Specificity concerns the description of the goal in their class. The goal should be objectively defined and intelligible for the individual. A classic example of a poorly specified goal is to get the highest possible grade. Most children have no idea how much effort they need to reach that goal. For further reading, see Locke and Latham (2002).
Unconscious motivation
Some psychologists believe that a significant portion of human behavior is energized and directed by unconscious motives. According to Maslow: "Psychoanalysis has often demonstrated that the relationship between a conscious desire and the ultimate unconscious aim that underlies it need not be at all direct [3]." In other words, stated motives do not always match those inferred by skilled observers. For example, it is possible that a person can be accident-prone because he has an unconscious desire to hurt himself and not because he is careless or ignorant of the safety rules. Similarly, some overweight people are not really hungry for food but for attention and love. Eating is merely a defensive reaction to lack of attention. Some workers damage more equipment than others because they harbor unconscious feelings of aggression toward authority figures.
Psychotherapists point out that some behavior is so automatic that the reasons for it are not available in the individual's conscious mind. Compulsive cigarette smoking is an example. Sometimes maintaining self-esteem is so important and the motive for an activity is so threatening that it is simply not recognized and, in fact, may be disguised or repressed. Rationalization, or "explaining away", is one such disguise, or defense mechanism, as it is called. Another is projecting or attributing one's own faults to others. "I feel I am to blame", becomes "It is her fault; she is selfish". Repression of powerful but socially unacceptable motives may result in outward behavior that is the opposite of the repressed tendencies. An example of this would be the employee who hates his boss but overworks himself on the job to show that he holds him in high regard.
Unconscious motives add to the hazards of interpreting human behavior and, to the extent that they are present, complicate the life of the administrator. On the other hand, knowledge that unconscious motives exist can lead to a more careful assessment of behavioral problems. Although few contemporary psychologists deny the existence of unconscious factors, many do believe that these are activated only in times of anxiety and stress, and that in the ordinary course of events, human behavior — from the subject's point of view — is rationally purposeful.
Motivational Theories
Drive Reduction Theories
There are a number of drive theories. The Drive Reduction Theory grows out of the concept that we have certain biological needs, such as hunger. As time passes the strength of the drive increases as it is not satisfied. Then as we satisfy that drive by fulfilling its desire, such as eating, the drive's strength is reduced. It is based on the theories of Freud and the idea of feedback control systems, such as a thermostat.
There are several problems, however, that leave the validity of the Drive Reduction Theory open for debate. The first problem is that it does not explain how Secondary Reinforcers reduce drive. For example, money does not satisfy any biological or psychological need but reduces drive on a regular basis through a pay check second-order conditioning. Secondly, if the drive reduction theory held true we would not be able to explain how a hungry human being can prepare a meal without eating the food before they finished cooking it.
However, when comparing this to a real life situation such as preparing food, one does get hungrier as the food is being made (drive increases), and after the food has been consumed the drive decreases. The only reason the food does not get eaten before is the human element of restraint and has nothing to do with drive theory. Also, the food will either be nicer after it is cooked, or it won't be edible at all before it is cooked.
Cognitive dissonance theory
Main article: Cognitive dissonance
Suggested by Leon Festinger, this occurs when an individual experiences some degree of discomfort resulting from an incompatibility between two cognitions. For example, a consumer may seek to reassure himself regarding a purchase, feeling, in retrospect, that another decision may have been preferable.
Another example of cognitive dissonance is when a belief and a behavior are in conflict. A person may believe smoking is bad for one's health and yet continues to smoke.
Affective-Arousal Theories
Need Achievement Theory
Main article: David McClelland
David McClelland’s achievement motivation theory envisions that a person has a need for three things, but differs in degrees to which the various needs influence their behavior: Need for achievement, Need for power, and Need for affiliation.
Interests Theory
Main article: Holland Codes
Holland Codes are used in the assessment of interests as in Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI; Holland, 1985). One way to look at interests is that if a person has a strong interest in one of the 6 Holland areas, then obtaining outcomes in that area will be strongly reinforcing relative to obtaining outcomes in areas of weak interest.
Need Theories
Need Hierarchy Theory
Main article: Hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs theory is the most widely discussed theory of motivation.
The theory can be summarized as thus:
* Human beings have wants and desires which influence their behavior; only unsatisfied needs can influence behavior, satisfied needs cannot.
* Since needs are many, they are arranged in order of importance, from the basic to the complex.
* The person advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level need is at least minimally satisfied.
* The further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality, humanness and psychological health a person will show.
The needs, listed from basic (lowest, earliest) to most complex (highest, latest) are as follows:
* Physiological
* Safety and security
* Social
* Esteem
* Self actualization
Herzberg’s two-factor theory
Main article: Frederick Herzberg
Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, aka intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, lead to dissatisfaction.
He distinguished between:
* Motivators; (e.g. challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which give positive satisfaction, and
* Hygiene factors; (e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation.
The name Hygiene factors is used because, like hygiene, the presence will not make you healthier, but absence can cause health deterioration.
The theory is sometimes called the "Motivator-Hygiene Theory."
Alderfer’s ERG theory
Main article: Clayton Alderfer
Clayton Alderfer, expanding on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, created the ERG theory (existence, relatedness and growth). Physiological and safety, the lower order needs, are placed in the existence category, while love and self esteem needs are placed in the relatedness category. The growth category contains our self-actualization and self-esteem needs.
Self-determination theory
Self-determination theory, developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, focuses on the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving human behavior. Like Maslow's hierarchical theory and others that built on it, SDT posits a natural tendency toward growth and development. Unlike these other theories, however, SDT does not include any sort of "autopilot" for achievement, but instead requires active encouragement from the environment. The primary factors that encourage motivation and development are autonomy, competence feedback, and relatedness.[2]
Broad Theories
The latest approach in Achievement Motivation is an integrative perspective as lined out in the "Onion-Ring-Model of Achievement Motivation" by Heinz Schuler, George C. Thornton III, Andreas Frintrup and Rose Mueller-Hanson. It is based on the premise that performance motivation results from way broad components of personality are directed towards performance. As a result it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. Especially it integrates formerly separated approaches as Need for Achievement with e.g. social motives like Dominance. The Achievement Motivation Inventory AMI (Schuler, Thornton, Frintrup & Mueller-Hanson, 2003) is based on this theory and assesses three factors (17 separated scales) relevant to vocational and professional success.
Cognitive theories
Goal-setting theory
Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined end state. Often, this end state is a reward in itself. A goal's efficiency is affected by three features; proximity, difficulty and specificity. An ideal goal should present a situation where the time between the initiation of behavior and the end state is close. This explains why some children are more motivated to learn how to ride a bike than mastering algebra. A goal should be moderate, not too hard or too easy to complete. In both cases, most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge (which assumes some kind of insecurity of success). At the same time people want to feel that there is a substantial probability that they will succeed. Specificity concerns the description of the goal in their class. The goal should be objectively defined and intelligible for the individual. A classic example of a poorly specified goal is to get the highest possible grade. Most children have no idea how much effort they need to reach that goal. For further reading, see Locke and Latham (2002).
Unconscious motivation
Some psychologists believe that a significant portion of human behavior is energized and directed by unconscious motives. According to Maslow: "Psychoanalysis has often demonstrated that the relationship between a conscious desire and the ultimate unconscious aim that underlies it need not be at all direct [3]." In other words, stated motives do not always match those inferred by skilled observers. For example, it is possible that a person can be accident-prone because he has an unconscious desire to hurt himself and not because he is careless or ignorant of the safety rules. Similarly, some overweight people are not really hungry for food but for attention and love. Eating is merely a defensive reaction to lack of attention. Some workers damage more equipment than others because they harbor unconscious feelings of aggression toward authority figures.
Psychotherapists point out that some behavior is so automatic that the reasons for it are not available in the individual's conscious mind. Compulsive cigarette smoking is an example. Sometimes maintaining self-esteem is so important and the motive for an activity is so threatening that it is simply not recognized and, in fact, may be disguised or repressed. Rationalization, or "explaining away", is one such disguise, or defense mechanism, as it is called. Another is projecting or attributing one's own faults to others. "I feel I am to blame", becomes "It is her fault; she is selfish". Repression of powerful but socially unacceptable motives may result in outward behavior that is the opposite of the repressed tendencies. An example of this would be the employee who hates his boss but overworks himself on the job to show that he holds him in high regard.
Unconscious motives add to the hazards of interpreting human behavior and, to the extent that they are present, complicate the life of the administrator. On the other hand, knowledge that unconscious motives exist can lead to a more careful assessment of behavioral problems. Although few contemporary psychologists deny the existence of unconscious factors, many do believe that these are activated only in times of anxiety and stress, and that in the ordinary course of events, human behavior — from the subject's point of view — is rationally purposeful.
Lebih Jauh Tentang Motivasi
Motivasi adalah keadaan dalam diri individu yang memunculkan, mengarahkan, dan mempertahankan perilaku. Dengan kata lain menurut Kartini Kartono adalah dorongan terhadap seseorang agar mau melaksanakan sesuatu. Dengan dorongan (driving force) di sini dimaksudkan: desakan yang alami untuk memuaskan kebutuhan-kebutuhan hidup dan merupakan kecenderungan untuk mempertahankan hidup.
Sedangkan menurut Muslimin motivasi yang ada pada setiap orang tidaklah sama, berbeda-beda antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Untuk itu, diperlukan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian dan hakikat motivasi, serta kemampuan teknik menciptakan situasi sehingga menimbulkan motivasi/dorongan bagi mereka untuk berbuat atau berperilaku sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh organisasi.
Untuk menghindarkan kekurangtepatan penggunaan istilah motivasi ini, perlu dipahami pendapat M. Manullang tentang adanya istilah-istilah yang mirip dan sering dikacaukan tentang motivasi tersebut antara lain: motif, motivasi, motivasi kerja, dan insentif.(Sumber:Wikipedia)
Sedangkan menurut Muslimin motivasi yang ada pada setiap orang tidaklah sama, berbeda-beda antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Untuk itu, diperlukan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian dan hakikat motivasi, serta kemampuan teknik menciptakan situasi sehingga menimbulkan motivasi/dorongan bagi mereka untuk berbuat atau berperilaku sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh organisasi.
Untuk menghindarkan kekurangtepatan penggunaan istilah motivasi ini, perlu dipahami pendapat M. Manullang tentang adanya istilah-istilah yang mirip dan sering dikacaukan tentang motivasi tersebut antara lain: motif, motivasi, motivasi kerja, dan insentif.(Sumber:Wikipedia)
Biasakanlah memberikan penghargaan terhadap kebaikan orang lain, baik berupa hadiah ataupun sekedar pujian. Tidak peduli seberapa besar nilai dari hadiah tersebut jika diuangkan, ia tetap dapat memberikan motivasi bagi orang lain untuk meningkatkan kebaikan yang ia lakukan.
Dan ada baiknya jika hadiah tersebut dikemas sedemikian rupa hingga menjadi sebuah kejutan. Dan akan lebih baik lagi jika ia dibungkus dengan rapi. Selembar kertas kado dan seutas pita sepertinya tidaklah terlalu mahal, untuk menambah daya tarik sebuah hadiah.
Sebuah hadiah disertai sedikit pujian, akan sangat berarti jika diberikan dengan tulus dan ikhlas.
Dan ada baiknya jika hadiah tersebut dikemas sedemikian rupa hingga menjadi sebuah kejutan. Dan akan lebih baik lagi jika ia dibungkus dengan rapi. Selembar kertas kado dan seutas pita sepertinya tidaklah terlalu mahal, untuk menambah daya tarik sebuah hadiah.
Sebuah hadiah disertai sedikit pujian, akan sangat berarti jika diberikan dengan tulus dan ikhlas.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sebuah Harga
Rasa letih dan capek yang anda rasakan hari ini, terkadang terasa berlebihan. Bahkan anda mungkin berpikir tidak seharusnya anda secapek ini.
Padahal perlu diketahui, kadang rasa letih dan capek tersebut merupakan sebuah harga yang pantas untuk sebuah kebaikan yang akan anda dapatkan setelahnya.
Padahal perlu diketahui, kadang rasa letih dan capek tersebut merupakan sebuah harga yang pantas untuk sebuah kebaikan yang akan anda dapatkan setelahnya.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Positive Signal

Positive thinking and always good suspect in the reality can produce positive signal that shine from our self.
Positive Signal has the character of like interesting magnet everything that exist in vinicity, of course every thing which are positive.
If positive thinking this applied in assocciation, then one who becomes our assocciation friend of course one who also haves positive mind.
And if applied in the field of job, then opportunity or job opportunity that draw near even also is]job that positive value.
Ever greater conscious thought to the importance thinks positive, will growing strengthen positive signal that disseminated and growing extend its range.
Lakukan Bersama
Nilai kebersamaan dalam suatu pekerjaan, ternyata dapat meningkatkan motivasi untuk menuntaskan pekerjaan tersebut, juga dapat memberikan motivasi untuk melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dengan sebaik-baik mungkin.
Hewan saja lebih suka berkelompok, dibandingkan menyendiri. Sangatlah wajar jika Islam mengutamakan sembahyang berjamaah dibandingkan sembahyang sendiri.
Hewan saja lebih suka berkelompok, dibandingkan menyendiri. Sangatlah wajar jika Islam mengutamakan sembahyang berjamaah dibandingkan sembahyang sendiri.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Teman Berbagi
Milikilah seorang atau lebih teman untuk berbagi. Tentu saja pilih yang benar-benar kamu percayai dapat menyimpan rahasia yang diceritakan, mampu memberi support, dan berpikiran positif.
Menceritakan masalah yang dihadapi, tidak harus selalu mengharapkan mendapat solusi, tetapi dengan bercerita itu sendiri sudah mengurangi beban dihati.
Menceritakan masalah yang dihadapi, tidak harus selalu mengharapkan mendapat solusi, tetapi dengan bercerita itu sendiri sudah mengurangi beban dihati.
Lihat telornya
Apa yang keluar dari dubur ayam jika itu telor ambillah, tetapi jika itu feses jangan diambil.
Jadi jangan lihat ayamnya, tetapi lihat apa yang keluar tersebut.
Jadi jangan lihat ayamnya, tetapi lihat apa yang keluar tersebut.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
motivation for live
Have balance between mind strength and brute force to get motivation in experiencing life.
provided time to sharpen knowledge either through reading, or watched news pass by television. Also provided time to improve strength and body pliability either through sport or simply follow self-defence art.
Balance of body fitness and mind calmness, can give strong motivation to experience life
provided time to sharpen knowledge either through reading, or watched news pass by television. Also provided time to improve strength and body pliability either through sport or simply follow self-defence art.
Balance of body fitness and mind calmness, can give strong motivation to experience life
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Kampanye Sepanjang Masa
Jika anda seorang public figure, Masa kampanye yang baik anda lakukan ialah sepanjang masa. Baik ketika anda menjabat atau tidak memiliki jabatan, lakukanlah kampanya karena anda tidak akan rugi.
Tentu saja anda harus memikirkan materi kampanye yang anda pilih.
Cobalah pilih jalur yang sesuai dengan hati nurani anda. Sehingga anda tidak akan pernah merasa gagal dalam kampanye. Karena anda memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yang jauh lebih bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas.
Yang harus diingat, manfaat kampanye juga ada yang langsung terasa, tetapi ada juga yang baru bisa anda nikmati berpuluh-puluh tahun kemudian. Bahkan bukan tidak mungkin, anda baru merasakan hasilnya ketika anda telah meninggal.
Tentu saja anda harus memikirkan materi kampanye yang anda pilih.
Cobalah pilih jalur yang sesuai dengan hati nurani anda. Sehingga anda tidak akan pernah merasa gagal dalam kampanye. Karena anda memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yang jauh lebih bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas.
Yang harus diingat, manfaat kampanye juga ada yang langsung terasa, tetapi ada juga yang baru bisa anda nikmati berpuluh-puluh tahun kemudian. Bahkan bukan tidak mungkin, anda baru merasakan hasilnya ketika anda telah meninggal.
Monday, August 11, 2008
motivasi yang sesungguhnya
menurut teori, motivasi itu bisa berasal dari internal dan bisa juga berasal dari eksternal.
Padahal motivasi itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah sebuah hasil. Karena sesuatu maka kita merasa termotivasi, Dan dengan alasan tertentu kita mendapat motivasi. Jadi sebenarnya motivasi hanyalah berasal dari internal diri kita sendiri.
Kesadaran kita akan tujuan yang hendak dicapai, dapat menimbulkan motivasi atau keinginan yang kuat. Puncak dari motivasi adalah ambisi. Orang yang ambisius berarti memiliki motivasi yang sangat kuat.
Oleh karena itu, penyebab munculnya motivasi lah yang berasal dari eksternal atau internal. Motivasi tidak ada dari eksternal, karena motivasi adalah keinginan.
Padahal motivasi itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah sebuah hasil. Karena sesuatu maka kita merasa termotivasi, Dan dengan alasan tertentu kita mendapat motivasi. Jadi sebenarnya motivasi hanyalah berasal dari internal diri kita sendiri.
Kesadaran kita akan tujuan yang hendak dicapai, dapat menimbulkan motivasi atau keinginan yang kuat. Puncak dari motivasi adalah ambisi. Orang yang ambisius berarti memiliki motivasi yang sangat kuat.
Oleh karena itu, penyebab munculnya motivasi lah yang berasal dari eksternal atau internal. Motivasi tidak ada dari eksternal, karena motivasi adalah keinginan.
Mulailah dari yang terkecil
cita-cita yang besar tidak harus selalu dimulai dengan perbuatan yang besar. sebab ombak yang besar sebenarnya hanyalah kumpulan tetesan air, gunung yang tinggi tidak lain sekedar tumpukan kerikil.
Pertanyaan sederhananya ialah apakah kita bagian dari kerikil itu? atau apakah kita bagian dari tetesan air tersebut. Jika iya, maka kita pantas disebut ombak dan kita juga pantas disebut gunung.
Pertanyaan sederhananya ialah apakah kita bagian dari kerikil itu? atau apakah kita bagian dari tetesan air tersebut. Jika iya, maka kita pantas disebut ombak dan kita juga pantas disebut gunung.
sun not lightening forever
in running effort, don't be deceived by big profit, till cause negligence to prepare for loss. Because sun not lightening forever
Guru Kencing Berdiri Murid Kencing Berlari
Pepatah di atas tidak perlu dipopulerkan di kalangan murid atau siswa. Justeru seorang murid yang cerdas harus bisa membedakan mana perbuatan baik yang dapat dicontoh dan mana perbuatan buruk yang tidak perlu dicontoh.
Pepatah yang tepat untuk seorang murid ialah "Apa yang keluar dari dubur ayam, jika ia telor maka ambillah, jika bukan jangan diambil".
Pepatah yang tepat untuk seorang murid ialah "Apa yang keluar dari dubur ayam, jika ia telor maka ambillah, jika bukan jangan diambil".
Sunday, August 10, 2008
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